08 April, 2018

Duet Susi dan TNI AL Tangkap Kapal Pencuri Ikan di Pulau Weh

Jakarta - Satuan tugas (Satgas) 115 atau satgas pemberantasan illegal fishing mendapatkan permintaan resmi dari Interpol melalui National Central Bureau (NCB) Interpol Indonesia untuk memeriksa kapal ikan STS-50 No. IMO 8514772 yang bergerak Indonesia.
Menteri Kelautan dan Perikanan Susi Pudjiastuti menjelaskan kapal tersebut tertangkap setelah berada di sekitar 60 mil sisi Tenggara Pulau Weh.

"Sebelum ditangkap di Indonesia, kapal ini (STS 50) memiliki nama lain seperti Sea Breeze, Andret Dolgov, STD No 2 dan Aida," kata Susi dalam konferensi pers di Kompleks Widya Chandra, Jakarta, Sabtu (7/4/2018).
Dia menjelaskan STS-50 adalah kapal tanpa bendera kebangsaan. Kapal ini menggunakan delapan bendera, yakni Sierra Leone, Togo, Kamboja, Korea Selatan, Jepang, Mikronesia, Filipina, dan Namibia.
Susi menambahkan, selain melakukan illegal fishing kapal ini juga diduga melakukan pemalsuan dokumen kebangsaan kapal untuk menghindari pengawasan dan penegakan hukum.
"Kapal ini sebelumnya juga pernah ditahan dan diperiksa oleh China pada tahun lalu tapi melarikan diri. Di Mozambik juga tertangkap tapi melarikan diri lagi nah kita juga sempat takut takut mereka kabur lagi. Tapi ternyata tidak," ujar dia.

Dari data Interpol total anak buah kapal (ABK) terdiri dari 20 orang yang terdiri dari 14 warga negara Indonesia dan 6 orang warga negara Rusia. STS-50 ini kedapatan membawa 600 buah alat tangkap gillnet yang siap digunakan dengan panjang masing-masing alat tangkap 50 meter dan total panjang alat tangkap jika dibentangkan 30 kilometer.

"Jenis ikan yang menjadi target kapal Ini adalah Antartic Toothfish yang sebenarnya hanya bisa ditangkap oleh kapal dengan bendera kebangsaan anggota CCAMLR dan harus memiliki izin penangkapan di Kawasan yang diterbitkan oleh negara masing-masing," ujarnya.



1. On Thursday, 5 April 2018, Task Force 115 received an official request from INTERPOL through NCB Indonesia to board and inspect a fishing vessel named “STS-50” (No. IMO 8514772) which was sailing towards Indonesia. STS-50 is a notorious vessel wanted by INTERPOL and is also listed as an IUU fishing vessel in the RFMO Convention for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources (CCAMLR).
2. Following up the information sent by INTERPOL, on 6 April 2018 at 1730 Western Indonesia Time, a Navy vessel named KAL SIMEULEU II.1-26 engaged in a “stop, inspect, apprehend” operation against STS-50 when the vessel was spotted at 60 miles of Southeast Weh Island, Indonesia.
3. Based on the information gathered from INTERPOL, facts on STS-50 have been gathered as follow: a. Prior to the vessel’s apprehension in Indonesia, STS-50 was also known as “SEA BREEZE”, “ANDREY DOLGOV”, “STD No. 2”, and “AIDA”. b. Pursuant to the documents published by the Lloyd’s List Intelligence (a commercial vessel database), STS-50 is owned by Marine Fisheries Corporation Company Ltd (as registered owner) and Jiho Shipping Company Limited (as beneficial owner). STS-50 is formerly owned by Red Star Company Ltd, Dongwon Industries Company Ltd, STD Fisheries Company Ltd, and Suntai International Fishing Company.  Image source: INTERPOL (2018)

c. STS-50 is a stateless vessel flying that has been using 8 (eight) national flags, such as Sierra Leone, Togo, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Micronesia, Philippines, and Namibia. Aside of illegal fishing, STS-50 is suspected to falsified nationality of the vessel to avoid surveillance and enforcement.  d. It was informed that STS-50 was last seen using Togonese flag, which had been denied by the Government of Togo. The Government of Togo has recently tried to file a case against the Captain of STS-50 on the grounds of forgery and impersonation.  e. STS-50 was previously apprehended and inspected by the Chinese Authority (at Dalian Port) on 22 October 2017 before she escaped later that day. On 18 February 2018, STS-50 was also apprehended and inspected by the Mozambique Authority (at Maputo Port) before she escaped again on the same day. Thus, this vessel has escaped twice from two different governments.  f. STS-50 carried 30 people on board where 20 have been identified as Indonesian nationalities and 10 are Russian nationalities who worked as the Captain and Engine Master. The Indonesian crews do not hold valid travel documentations or passports and are suspected to be victims of human trafficking. g. STS-50 carries 600 units of ready-to-use gillnet fishing gears, each with 50 meters long and, if all were laid out, the total length of the fishing gears can reach up to 30 kilometers. The targeted species of STS-50 are the Antarctic Toothfish. Based on the information obtained from the INTERPOL Purple Notice, Antarctic Toothfish can only be caught in CCAMLR convention area the vessel must be flagged to a Member of CCAMLR and also must be authorized to fish in the CCAMLR convention area by the flag state. 

WHY DID INDONESIA RUN AN INTERCEPT AGAINST STS-50?  4. Indonesia is part of a global community that holds a strong commitment to fight against illegal fishing both nationally but also at international scope as a form of international solidarity. Such commitment has been proven several times by the apprehension of notorious vessels such as FV. Viking and FV. Hua Li 8. 5. Indonesia is seeking to be the example that countries must not compromise in the fight against illegal fishing, especially the transnational organized fisheries crime. 6. STS-50 is alleged to commit transnational organized fisheries crime for a long period. INTERPOL Purple Notice mentions that STS-50 is affiliated with a Belize-based company named Red Star Company Ltd. Belize is known as a country that is oftentimes used by organized crime enterprises as modus operandi to cloak the identity of beneficial owners. STS-50 is also using false identity on several counts and mislabeled the caught species. 7. The apprehension of STS-50 by the Indonesian Government has been conducted in accordance to international laws and regulations, as follow: 
a. Pursuant to Article 73 UNCLOS, the coastal State may, in the exercise of its sovereign rights at the EEZ, take such measures, including boarding, inspection, arrest and judicial proceedings, as may be necessary to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations adopted by it in conformity with the Convention.  b. Pursuant to Article 110 UNCLOS, a warship is justified to board a foreign ship on the high seas when there is a reasonable ground for suspecting that the ship is engaged in the slave trade or is without nationality.  c. Moreover, Articles 73 and 110 UNCLOS are supported by Article 19 UNCLOS which stipulates that, the “rights of innocent passage” only applies to foreign ship, thus such rights does not apply to a stateless vessel. Ergo, a stateless vessel cannot enjoy the rights set out in UNCLOS, including the “rights of innocent passage”. 

FOLLOW UP 8. The Government of Indonesia will establish and deploy a Joint Team consisting of the Navy, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, and Police investigators under the coordination of Task Force 115 to immediately conduct investigation to construct the crimes committed by STS-50. 9. The Government of Indonesia will cooperate closely with the Government of China, the Government of Togo, the Government of Mozambique and INTERPOL to follow up the allegations of transnational organized fisheries crime committed by STS-50. The Joint Team will coordinate with INTERPOL and the abovementioned governments to pursue both the mastermind and beneficial owners of STS-50.  10. Taking into account that STS-50 is a ship without nationality, in accordance with Article 92 UNCLOS, it is possible for the Government of Indonesia to seize STS-50 to be utilized for public interest or to be demolished – as it did with FV. Viking. The action decided upon this vessel is to be determined immediately. 
Pelestarian Sumberdaya Kelautan dan Perikanan merupakan kewajiban kita bersama demi anak cucu dikemudian hari. Ayo kita Berantasan Illegal Fishing di Indonesia dgn bergabung ke grup Stop Illegal Fishing  Tekat  :

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